Hao Zhou

Hao Zhou

Master Student

Hi, there! I’m Hao Zhou, a master student interested in Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Check out my resumé and portfolio below.

Human Segmentation with U-Net

Human Segmentation with U-Net

Built a Semantic Segmentation model based on PyTorch to detect human bodies in images.

Bird Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Network

Bird Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Network

Built a Convolutional Neural Network model using PyTorch to classify 90K images spanning 525 bird species.

Anime Recommendation System based on Matrix Factorization

Anime Recommendation System based on Matrix Factorization

Implemented a recommendation model in PySpark to suggest anime likely to interest users.

California Housing Price Prediction

California Housing Price Prediction

Developed algorithms in Python for predicting California housing prices and determined the importance of each feature in the model.

Natural Language Processing on ChatGPT Prompts

Natural Language Processing on ChatGPT Prompts

Clustered ChatGPT prompts into groups, unveiling common scenarios where users engage with the model.

Stock Price Forecast Based on Time Series Analysis

Stock Price Forecast Based on Time Series Analysis

Developed a model in Python to predict stock prices for the upcoming week.

Employment Prediction for Graduates

Employment Prediction for Graduates

Developed a model in Python to predict whether students would get placed after graduation based on grades, degree specialization and work experience.